Nancy van Es, Registered Massage Therapist

Nancy has been an active member of the College of Massage Therapists of British Columbia since 2018. She completed her Remedial Massage Diploma, graduating with honours in 2017. Nancy continues with post graduate studies in myofascial release, pain science and visceral manipulation. 

Nancys approach to treatment is based on collaboration with both her patients and colleagues. By utilizing her own training in anatomy and physiology, patients health history and their own unique knowledge of their bodies to create a personalized and effective treatment plan. She considers each patient from a biopsychosocial model of care and strives to understand her patients as a whole.

With her practice deeply rooted in education, she enjoys extending that value to her patients. Nancy uses a combination of techniques including Swedish massage and myofascial release to assess and treat patients suffering from acute and chronic pain, TMJ (jaw) dysfunction, post surgery/injury rehabilitation headaches, and other biomechanic dysfunctions. 

Nancys goal is to educate patients on their condition and possible causative factors to help empower them to take an active role in their rehabilitation and self care process.

In her spare time Nancy enjoys an active lifestyle of skiing, biking, hiking and digging around in her garden.